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SELECTED ESSAYS / Vol. 70, No. 2 (Summer 2003)

Arien Mack, Editor

The article discusses various reports published within the issue of this periodical, including an interview with Hans Jonas which was conducted on 1990.

The article presents a speech by John Hollander, delivered at the 67th Commencement Ceremony of New School University in New York City on June 2006. Hollander begins his remarks by congratulating all the graduates and by saying how pleased he was to participate in the celebration. His speech focuses on the theme of patriotism.

The article presents an interview with Hans Jonas, professor at New School University in New York City for Social Research. The interview is divided into several sections, under the following headings: biographical/the economy of life/theory and practice, the biology/psychophysical problem, the riddle of Jonas's place in American intellectual life, and population/policy.

The article discusses the philosophy of Ludwig Wittgenstein, which was called "pragmatic strain." The section examines the views of Wittgenstein on language, his tendency to urge philosophers concerned with the meanings of particular linguistic expressions to attend to how those expressions are used, and the significance of his philosophy, pragmatic strain, in his writings. The section is divided into several topics, which offers various reflections and insights related to Wittgenstein's writings given by the author.

The article reports on G. W. F. Hegel. It discusses the philosophy of Hegel relative to his essay entitled "Spirit," which states that an ethical life as constituted by a causality of fate is logically and historically unfolded relative to an inadequate holistic metaphysics of love and life. The section is divided into several parts, under the following topics: the spirit of Judaism: notes for a genealogy of transcendental idealism, modifications of life: ethics without duty, a logical grammar of love, the causality of fate: transgression and the critique of punishment, and transgression: concluding unscientific postscript.

The article discusses the politics of indigenous identity and offers reports regarding neoliberalism, cultural rights, and the Mexican Zapatistas. The author develops an account of the establishment of the indigenous subject position, and of the attempt of Mexico's rural poor to locate themselves as indigenous people, for asserting a political voice. The section also reflects on the role of the Zapatista movement in raising the local and international profile of native rights, in extending the terms of the domestic subject position, and in linking local rights to an emerging global opposition.

The article presents reflections and insights given by the author regarding democratic framework and groups. The section focuses on national separation, liberal nationalism and civic liberalism, political dimension of groups, discussion of groups as collectivities with an interest in autonomy and self-determination, direction of the changes in the standing of groups. It explains the political dimension of groups, and why it is an important aspect of group relations. The author also examines the different types of groups and focuses more in autonomy and in self-determination.

The article discusses whether globalization is a threat or an opportunity for local feminism in Poland. The section is divided into several topics under the following headings: When Economic Transformation Meets Globalization, European Enlargement: The Next Stage in the Transformation of Central Europe, The Politics of Locality and Its Gender Implications, Gender Adoration or Gender Discrimination, The First Gender Revolution, Censoring Feminism in Central Europe: Paradoxes of the Western Feminist Critique of Liberalism, and The Challenge of Translation.

This paper argues that capitalism is dominated by the profit-motive, which gives rise to its characteristic recurrent patterns. Such patterns exhibit themselves in a turbulent manner, in which order is established in-and-through disorder. Neoclassical economics focuses on the system's order, while heterodox economics tends to emphasize its disorder. Robert Heilbroner's own work, which is traced here, begins with a vision of a profit-dominated capitalism but shifts over time to a vision of a state-regulated capitalism. The policy implications of the shift are also addressed in the paper.

The article explores science as a political strategy and the place of scientific knowledge in the dynamics of a postsocialist transition by taking the management of the aftermath of the Chernobyl nuclear catastrophe in Ukraine as a case in point. The author explores ways of conceiving science as a political strategy in three ways: science as repression, science as a forging of a cosmopolitan ethics, and science as a way of rooting people in political doctrines. The section is divided into several parts, under the following headings: Aftermath, Science as Political Technique, Biology and State Identity, and Biological Citizenship.

The article presents reflections and insights given by the author regarding the United States Constitution. The section explores the obligation of United States citizens in understanding the laws of the land and the interpretation of the constitution, and discusses the global war of the United States against terrorism. It presents various reports and informations relating to the US Constitution, including reports on the Bill of Rights. It also offers views of what the original meaning of America's fundamental law was and a view of the relationship that it bore to the rest of the world.

The article presents reflections and insights given by the author regarding political identities. The section offers various reports, which focuses on the identity struggle during the sixteenth century, the historical background of King Henry VIII of England, the renaissance of the identity struggle of the sixteenth century in the United States and Europe since the September 11, 2001 terrorist attacks. According to the author political rights and obligations themselves depend on negotiated claims linking members of established political categories.

The article examines the view of the public regarding psychological abnormalities. The section aims to sketch the folk psychiatry approach to laypeople's thinking about mental disorder that has enough points of difference from these alternatives to warrant a new label. It states that the approach plans to give shape and direction to sociological survey research on public conceptions. It also shares with the attributional approach, concerning with the psychology of lay explanations of mental disorder.

The article discusses the concept of conditional decriminalization in France. It states that conditional decriminalization in practices affecting the relationship between the individual and his or her body in France has taken place over the last few decades. Such decriminalization includes the use of contraception, abortion, sex change, homosexuality, and euthanasia. The section offers various reports in relation to decriminalization, which include the following headings: financial incitement, biographical compliance, a shift in "biopolitics" or in the "process of individuation", self-determination: representation or reality, and conclusion.

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