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NONTHEMATIC / Vol. 36, No. 3 (Fall 1969)

Six million American youngsters -or thirteen percent of all school age children- do not attend public elementary and high schools. Instead, by the conscious choice of their parents, these children are receiving their education in private schools, for the most part operated by religious groups. The quality of the education they are getting is more than a matter of interest to their parents and teachers; it is one of vital national concern.

It is a matter of common knowledge that More’s Utopia is patterned after Plato’s Republic. It is equally evident that More did not merely repeat the teaching of the Republic. There are significant differences between the two works. It is no accident, then-indeed, it is a perfectly sensible procedure-that commentators on the Utopia should attempt to gain insight into More’s meaning by comparing and contrasting his dialogue of that Plato.

In King John, written at a time in severe economic crisis in England, the Bastard, angered at the “mad world” and “mad kings” who reject feudal honor for a price, vows: “Since kings break faith upon commodity, Gain, be my lord! -for I will worship thee!” The implications of this apostrophe to profit have been largely ignored by Shakespearean commentators.

By all accounts Locke’s teaching on property is the chief facet of his political teaching as a whole. By virtue of his views on property he may be quite justly considered a seminal political economist, and he turned to the study of economics and chrematistics- to use an Aristotelian expression- very early in his career.

The essential theme of this paper is an argument for the proposition that psychology should be conceived as a human science, and as such, it must be practiced and interpreted in ways that are different from psychology conceived as a natural science. This does not mean that natural scientific psychology is all wrong. Rather, it means that its approach is severely limited and cannot do justice to all of the phenomena that are of interest to psychologists. This also implies a need to do some kinds of things that natural scientific psychology is not doing.

In a recently submitted thesis, the author demonstrated the necessity for making a clear distinction between the two concepts of values and norms, which have generally been conceptualized with reference to one another in sociological literature. Indeed, they are, at times used interchangeably to mean culturally-shared conceptions of the desirable.

The rapid development of sociology of countries of the socialist bloc is dictated to a large extent by the necessities of a modern economy. The search for satisfactory new solutions of several managerial problems has to be supported by the adequate development of social studies. The awareness of this fact seems to be now common to all socialist countries except China and Albania.

Review of book by Umberto Cerroni. Bari: De Donato Editore, 1968. 295 pp.

Review of book by Amitai Etzioni. New York: The Free Press, 1968. 698 pp.

Review of book by Alex Simirenko. Chicago: Quadrangle Books, 1969. 439 pp.

Review of book by Orrien E. Klapp. New York: Holt, Rinehart and Winston, 1969. 383 pp.

Review of book by Kerlheinz Messelken. Koln und Opladen: Westdeutscher Verlag, 1968. 223 pp.

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