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VICO AND CONTEMPORARY THOUGHT - 2 / Vol. 43, No. 4 (Winter 1976)

Giorgio Tagliacozzo, Michael Mooney, and Donald Philip Verene, Guest Editors
Arien Mack, Journal Editor

Compares Giambattista Vico's (1668–1744) concept of world and universal history, tha each human shares in the knowledge of all that has antedated him or her, with conceptions of cultural evolution from Herbert Spencer and Georg Hegel and theories of developmental psychology such as Jean Piaget's, who likened the cultural development of children to that of societies.

Compares the views of Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744) concerning human nature, as presented in 'Scienza nuova,' and its impact on historical development of civilization with the views of developmental psychologists, notably Lawrence Kohlberg and Jean Piaget, on the impact of human nature in universal development patterns.

Compares and contrasts Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744) and Jean Piaget, exploring their views on genetics in human development and education, and Vico's views on genetic epistemology.

Comments on George Mora's paper in this journal issue, "Vico and Piaget: Parallels and Differences." The primary difference between Vico and Piaget lies in their views on the development of aspects of the mind rather than, as is commonly concluded, in the mind as a whole.

Recent research in developmental and cognitive psychology has shown that integration of brain information processing, emotions, and imagination, rather than drives, conflicts, and subconscious desires, dictates much that is unusual in human behavior. This indicates major similarities with the thinking of Giovanni Battista Vico (1668-1744) on universal development and the importance of human consciousness.

Examines the influence of Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744) on developmental psychology: phenomenological proximity to the structural consciousness of the practitioner; scientific incorporation of nonscientific studies of consciousness; incorporation of genetics and genesis; and questioning of phenomenology’s own foundations.

Comments on Amedeo Giorgi's article in this journal issue, Vico and Humanistic Psychology, concerning the influence of Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744) on developmental psychology. Examines current theoretical trends in developmental psychology.

The author discusses his studies of Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744) as a precursor of Sigmund Freud and Carl Jung, and then as an aid in his treatment of schizophrenics, 1950–55.

Examines the theory of Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744) pertaining to educational philosophy, aiming at applying his methods of critical dialogue and behavioral modification to contemporary teaching methods.

Examines the thought of Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744) pertaining to the problem of unity of knowledge as it applies to contemporary general education courses in higher education.

Further discussion of the thought of Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744) pertaining to education. Presents curriculum reform along Vichian principles, which is necessary for positive change in general education classes.

Discusses the integration of curricula and methods suggested in the thought of Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744) as they relate to papers presented in this session.

Examines the thought of Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744) pertaining to the mythic and symbolic bases of human nature and their relation to current structuralist thought in anthropology, best represented by Claude Levi-Strauss. Structuralism and Vico do not mix because the latter viewed human knowledge as a system of generative ideas constantly subject to change and modification.

Giovanni Batistta Vico (1668–1744) devised a tripartite scheme of societal development which had as its central tenet a system of social control. The author assesses Vico's thought and the sociological theories which succeeded him, and speculates about his relevance to current sociological theory.

In Scienza Nuova Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744) presented three ideas as foundations for society: the theoretical concept of religion; the methodological concept of poetry, or use of language and mythology; and an ideal of eternal history. The author assesses these tenets in light of historical sociology. Vico's notion of the trained imagination is the best way through which to study the progression of culture.

Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744) and Karl Marx, theoreticians who apparently have little in common, discussed poetic economics, the philosophical and theoretical idea that man is the creation of his own sense and intellect, which are never alien to him.

Examines the thought of the Frankfurt School regarding critical theory and its connections with the Italian philosopher Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744). Vico viewed myth and ideology, man's use of language as an instrument of mythmaking and knowledge, and the outcome of language in logic and creative imagination as the basis of knowledge. These are the tenets to which critical theory should and does subscribe.

Examines the social theory of the Frankfurt School, primarily that of T. W. Adorno and Max Horkheimer, and its construction of a critical theory of dialectical materialism, showing the thought of Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744) as a precursor of the Frankfurt School of critical theory.

The historical sociology of concern to Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744) was differential in that its focus was comparative cultures and histories, with stress on understanding the cultural and historical differences and similarities in patterns and structures.

Comments on articles by Fred R. Dallmayr and Benjamin Nelson in this journal issue on Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744).

Translation of a speech given by Giovanni Battista Vico (1668–1744) at the Royal Academy of Naples, 20 October 1732, on the heroic mind and its use for the progression of knowledge as a societal, as well as personal, end.

Includes works that discuss peripherally Giovanni Battista Vico and reviews literature on Vico published during 1976.

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