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author bios: w
Bios as of the time of publication. Please use your browser's search function [ctrl/cmd-F] to find authors by last name. 

Mueni wa Muiu

Mueni wa Muiu is assistant professor of political science at Winston-Salem State University. Muiu is author of A New Paradigm of the African State (with Martin, 2008) and The Pitfalls of Liberal Democracy and Late Nationalism in South Africa (2008).

Patricia M. Wald

Judge Patricia M. Wald is the outgoing United States judge on the 14-member panel at the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia in The Hague, which hears cases about wartime atrocities in the former Yugoslavia. Formerly she was chief judge of the United States Court of Appeals for the D.C. Circuit.

Nicholas Wade

Nicholas Wade is a science editor at the New York Times.

Helmut R. Wagner

Helmut R. Wagner, professor of sociology at Hobart and William Smith Colleges, is the author of Alfred Shutz on Phenomenology and Social Relations and is currently preparing two volumes on Phenomenology.

izabela Wagner

Izabela Wagner is an associate professor at the Institute of Sociology and at Collegium Civitas in Warsaw, and a fellow at the French Institute for Migration Studies in Paris. She is the author of Producing Excellence: Making of a Virtuoso (2015), Becoming Transnational Professional: Kariery i mobilność polskich elit naukowych (2011), and Bauman: A Biography (2020). Her books have been translated from English into Chinese, Russian, Portuguese, Spanish, Korean, French, and Polish.

Roy Wagner

Roy Wagner is professor and chairman of the department of anthropology at the University of Virginia. His books include Habu: The Innovation of Meaning in Daribi Religion (1972) and Lethal Speech: Daribi Myth as Symbolic Obviation (1978).

Brady Wagoner

Brady Wagoner is a professor of psychology at the University of Copenhagen and Aalborg University. His books include The Constructive Mind: Bartlett’s Psychology in Reconstruction (2017), Handbook of Culture and Memory (2018), and, with Ignacio Brescó de Luna and Sarah H. Awad, Remembering as a Cultural Process (2019). In 2021 he received the Humboldt Research Award for lifetime contributions to science.

Cherryl Walker

Cherryl Walker is professor in the department of sociology and social anthropology, Stellenbosch University and the former land claims commissioner for KwaZulu-Natal. She is the author of 'Piety in the Sky? Gender Policy and Land Reform in South Africa' in Journal of Agrarian Change, 3.1 and 3.2, 2003.

Gina Luria Walker

Gina Luria Walker is a professor of women’s studies at the New School’s School for Public Engagement and director of The New Historia, a global initiative promoting recovery of earlier women. Her recent publications include The Invention of Female Biography (editor, 2017).

James C. Walker

James C. Walker is senior lecturer in philosophy and education at the University of Sydney, Australia.

Margaret Urban Walker

Margaret Urban Walker is Donald J. Schuenke Chair Emerita in Philosophy at Marquette University. She has published widely on moral repair, including the books Moral Contexts (2003); Moral Repair: Reconstructing Moral Relations after Wrongdoing (2006); and What is Reparative Justice? (2010).

James Walkup

James Walkup studied philosophy at Yale University and University of St. Andrews before getting his PhD in clinical psychology from The New School. He has taught at Rutgers University for almost 30 years, serving as chair and director of clinical training in its doctoral PsyD clinical program; he is also a faculty member at the Institute for Health, Health Care Policy and Aging Research.

Immanuel Wallerstein

Immanuel Wallerstein is the director of the Fernand Braudel Center at SUNY Binghamton. He is author of Unthinking Social Science (1991) and has most recently published After Liberalism (1995).

Roy Wallis

Roy Wallis, lecturer in the department of sociology, University of Stirling, is working on a sociological analysis of Scientology.

Ronald G. Walters

Ronald G. Walters is professor of history at the John Hopkins University. His most recent book is American Reformers, 1815–1860 (1978).

Ann Waltner

Ann Waltner is assistant professor of history at the University of Minnesota.

Matthew J. Walton

Matthew J. Walton is Aung San Suu Kyi Senior Research Fellow in Modern Burmese Studies at St. Antony's College, University of Oxford. His research focuses on religion and politics in Southeast Asia, with a special emphasis on Buddhism and politics in Myanmar.

Paul Walton

Paul Walton, lecturer in sociology at the University of Bradford, England, is senior author of a book in preparation, Images of Man in Social Theory.

Tiancheng Wang

Tiancheng Wang is a visiting scholar at the Center for the Study of Human Rights at Columbia University. His publications include the prizewinning paper, 'The Backbone of a Constitution: A Preliminary Inquiry into Its Legal Attributes' (1988), and co-translations of a number of Western Political Classics. He is also the founder of the independent party, the Liberal and Democratic Party of China and the founder of Free Labor Union of China. Due to his pro-democracy activities in China, he was arrested and imprisoned from 1992 through 1997. Upon his release, he was banned from lecturing at universities and faced restriction on publishing opportunities.

Martin Wangh

Martin Wangh is clinical professor of psychiatry at the Albert Einstein Medical School of Yeshiva University, New York, and a member of the faculty of the New York Psychoanalytic Institute.

Mckenzie Wark

McKenzie Wark is associate professor and chair of culture and media, Eugene Lang College The New School. Wark's publications include A Hacker Manifesto (2004) and Dispositions (2002).

Felix Warneken

Felix Warneken is assistant professor in the department of psychology at Harvard University. His article “Human Altruistic Behaviors from a Developmental and Comparative Perspective” is forthcoming in Calcott et al.

Koko Warner

Koko Warner is head of the environmental migration, social vulnerability, and adaptation section at the United Nations University Institute for Environment and Human Security in Bonn, Germany. She researches risk management strategies of the poor in adapting to changing environmental and climatic conditions.

Marina Warner

Marina Warner is the president of the royal society of literature and professor of English and creative writing at Birkbeck College, University of London. Her books include Once Upon a Time: A Short History of Fairy Tale (2016), Stranger Magic: Charmed States & The Arabian Nights (2013), and a new essay collection, Forms of Enchantment: Writings on Art and Artists. She is currently working on a memoir of her Cairo childhood, and a study of sanctuary and literature.

Marx W. Wartofsky

Marx W. Wartofsky is distinguished professor of philosophy at Baruch College and the Graduate Center of the City University of New York. His most recent book is Models: Representation and the Scientific Understanding (1979).

Mary C. Waters

Mary C. Waters is the M. E. Zukerman professor of sociology at Harvard University. She is the author of numerous publications, including Inheriting the City: The Children of Immigrants Come of Age (with Kasinitz, Mollenkopf, and Holdaway 2008).

Goodwin Watson

Goodwin Watson (1899–1976) was a professor at Teachers College at Columbia University and founder of the Union Graduate School of the Union for Experimenting Colleges and Universities.

Jerry Watts

Jerry Watts is assistant professor of Afro-American studies at the University of California at Davis.

Bruce C. Wearne

Bruce C. Wearne teaches secondary-school subjects at Mt. Evelyn Christian School while working toward his Ph.D. at La Trobe University, Melbourne, Australia.

Elke U. Weber

Elke U. Weber is the Jerome A. Chazen professor of international business at Columbia Business School, and professor of psychology and Earth Institute Professor at Columbia University. She is an expert on behavioral models of judgment and decision-making under risk and uncertainty.

Andrew Wedeman

Andrew Wedeman’s publications include Double Paradox: Rapid Growth and Rising Corruption in China (2012), selected by Foreign Affairs as one of 30 best international relations books of 2012, and numerous articles in academic journals, including China Quarterly, Journal of Contemporary China, and China Review.

Hans-Ulrich Wehler

Hans-Ulrich Wehler is professor of modern history at the University of Bielefeld.

Patrick Weil

Patrick Weil is senior research fellow at CNRS, University of Paris 1, Pantheon-Sorbonne. His publications include How to be French: Nationality in the Making since 1789 (2009).

David Weiman

David Weiman is Alena Wels Hirschorn '58 professor of economics at Barnard College. He is coauthor of The Labor Market Consequences of Incarceration, Crime and Delinquency (with Western and Kling, 2001) and coeditor of Incarcerating America: The Social Impacts of Mass Incarceration (2004).

Sidney Weintraub

Sidney Weintraub is professor of economics in the graduate division of the University of Pennsylvania. He is the author of Price Theory (1949). Income and Employment Analysis (1951), and numerous articles in professional journals dealing with economics, political economy, and business. During the summer session, 1953, he was visiting professor in the graduate faculty of the New School for Social Research.

Margaret Weir

Margaret Weir assistant professor of government at Harvard University, wrote (with Ira Katznelson) Schooling for All Classes: Race and the Decline of the Democratic Ideal.

Victor Weisskopf

Victor Weisskopf is institute professor emeritus of physics at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology. He is the author of Theoretical Nuclear Physics, with John M. Blatt (1952) and Knowledge and Wonder: The Natural World as Man Knows It (2nd ed., 1979).

Walter A. Weisskopf

Walter A. Weisskopf is professor emeritus of economics at Roosevelt University in Chicago. He wrote The Psychology of Economics (1955) and Alienation and Economics (1971).

Sasha Reinhard Weitman

Sasha Reinhard Weitman, assistant professor at the Johns Hopkins University, is conducting an empirical investigation of the nature and causes of the French Revolution, based on comparative data from the separate provinces.

Daniel J. Weitzner

Daniel J. Weitzner is deputy director of the Center for Democracy and Technology. His most recent publication is Abundance and User Control: Renewing the Democratic Heart of the First Amendment in the ASC of Interactive Media (coauthored with Jerry Berman). Weitzner and Berman are also authors of the two successful Supreme Court challenges to the Communications Decency Act: Reno vs. ACLU. This paper is based, in part, on a presentation delivered by Mr. Weitzner at the Academy for the Third Millenium's Conference on Internet and Politics.

Carl Friedrich von Weizscaker

Carl Friedrich von Weizsacker is director of the Max Planck Institute on the Preconditions of Human Life in the Modern World, Starnberg, and the author of Die Einheit der Nature (1971).

Ai Weiwei

Ai Weiwei is a Chinese contemporary artist, active in sculpture, installation, architecture, curating, photography, film, and social, political and cultural criticism. As a political activist, he has been critical of the Chinese government’s stance on democracy and human rights. He currently resides and works in Beijing.

Robert P. Weller

Robert P. Weller is assistant dean and adjunct assistant professor of anthropology at Duke University. His most recent book is Unities and Diversities in Chinese Religion (1987).

Albrecht Wellmer

Albrecht Wellmer, professor emeritus at the Free University of Berlin, has taught philosophy in Frankfurt am Main, Toronto, New York, Constance and Berlin. His publications include Critical Theory of Society (1971), The Persistence of Modernity (1991), Endgames (1998), Sprachphilosophie (2004), and Versuch uber Musik und Sprache (2009).

Alexander Welsh

Alexander Welsh, Emily Sanford professor emeritus of English at Yale University, is the author of, Hamlet in His Modern Guises (2001). His latest book, What Is Honor? invites philosophers and others—not to mention politicians—to take this question seriously.

Harald Welzer

Harald Welzer is the director of the Center for Interdisciplinary Memory Research at Essen and research professor of social psychology at the University of Witten/Herdecke in Germany. His publications in English include 'The Collateral Damage of Enlightenment: How Grandchildren Understand the History of National Socialist Crimes' and 'Their Grandfather’s Past' (in Cohen-Pfister and Wienroeder-Skinner, 2006).

Michel Wensing

Michel Wensing is a full professor of health services research and implementation science at Heidelberg University. He is embedded in the Department of General Practice and Health Services Research of Heidelberg University Hospital. His academic work focuses on the organization, performance, and outcomes of healthcare, with a particular interest in primary care.

Wlodzimierz Weoslowski

Wlodzimierz Weoslowski is a member of the Institute of Philosophy and Sociology of the Polish Academy of Sciences, Warsaw.

James V. Wertsch

James V. Wertsch is Marshall S. Snow professor of arts and sciences at Washington University in St. Louis. He is director of the McDonnell International Scholars Academy, director of international and area studies, and professor in the department of anthropology. His publications include Voices of Collective Remembering (2002) and The Cambridge Companion to Vygotsky (coedited with Daniels and Cole, 2007).

Anna Wessely

Anna Wessely is senior fellow at the Central European University Humanities Center and associate professor, Institute of Sociology, ELTE University. Her publications in English include Intellectuals and the Politics of the Humanities (ed., 2002).

Robert L. West

Robert L. West, associate director, Rockefeller Foundation, is working on an assessment of United Nations operations in the Congo.

Bruce Western

Bruce Western is professor of sociology, Princeton University. His publications include Punishment and Inequality in America (2006) and Mass Imprisonment and the Life Course: Race and Class Inequality in U.S. Incarceration (with Pettit, 2004).

Joseph W. Westphal

Joseph W. Westphal, former chancellor of the University of Maine system and provost at the New School, has also served as assistant secretary of the army and head of the U.S. Army Corps Engineers and then as acting secretary of the army.

Kevin J. Wetmore Jr.

Kevin J. Wetmore Jr. is chair and professor of theatre arts at Loyola Marymount University. He is the author of Post-9/11 Horror in American Cinema (2012), Back from the Dead: Reading Remakes of Romero's Zombie Films as Markers of Their Times (2011), and The Theology of Battlestar Galactica (2012).

Laura Wexler

Laura Wexler is assistant professor of American and women's studies at Yale University and the co-author of Pregnant Pictures (2000).


Kerry Whigham is an assistant professor of genocide and mass atrocity prevention at Binghamton University, where he is also the codirector of the Institute for Genocide and Mass Atrocity Prevention. His first book, Resonant Violence: Affect, Memory, and Activism in Post-Genocide Societies, was published by Rutgers University Press in 2022. In addition to his academic work, he is the director of research and online education at the Auschwitz Institute for the Prevention of Genocide and Mass Atrocities.

Thomas R. Whitaker

Thomas R. Whitaker is Hilles professor emeritus of English and theater at Yale University. He is the author of Fields of Play in Modern Drama (1977).

Harrison C. White

Harrison White is the Giddings professor of sociology at the Paul F. Lazarsfeld Center for the Social Sciences at Columbia University. He is the author of Identity and Control (1992) and is currently working on a book about the dynamics of production markets.

Howard B. White

Howard B. White, professor of political science, graduate faculty of the New School, author of Peace Among the Willows, is working on two books, one on American political thought and the other on the soul and the self.

John S. White

Richard White

Richard White, Margaret Byrne professor of American history at Stanford University, is the author of The Middle Ground: Indians, Empires and Republic in the Great Lakes Region, 1650–1815, a finalist for the 1992 Pulitzer Prize. His research focuses on the American Northwest, and on social, environmental, and cultural cross-currents.

Sheldon H. White

Sheldon H. White is professor of psychology at Harvard University. His most recent book is Human Development in Today's World (1976).

Neil L. Whitehead

Neil L. Whitehead is professor of anthropology at University of Wisconsin–Madison. He is the author of numerous works on South Africa, his most recent volumes include Violence (2004), Terror, Violence and the Imagination (2005), and War in the Tribal Zone (with James Currey 1999). He is currently working on issues of sexuality, violence and the end of the human.

James Q. Whitman

James Q. Whitman is Ford Foundation professor of comparative and foreign law at Yale University. His recent works include the books Harsh Justice (2003) and The Origins of Reasonable Doubt: Religious Roots of the Criminal Trial (2008).

Jerzy J. Wiatr

Jerzy J. Wiatr is professor of sociology and vice-director, Institute of Philosophy and Sociology, Polish Academy of Sciences. He has written books on race relations theories, voting behavior, military sociology, general sociology and historical materialism. He is now working on a cross-national study of local politics and social change and a book, Studies in the Theory of Nationality.

David F. Wieman

David Weiman is Alena Weis Hirschom ‘58 professor of economics at Barnard College. He is co-author of The Labor Market Consequences of Incarceration, Crime and Delinquency (with Western and Kling, 2001) and co-editor of Incarcerating America: The Social Impacts of Mass Incarceration (2004).

Aaron Wildavsky

Aaron Wildavsky, assistant professor of government at Oberlin, spent 1954–55 in Australia as a Fulbright scholar. Apart from his writings on Australian political questions, his works include Dixon-Yates: A Study in Power Politics (Yale University Press).

Norbert Wiley

Norbert Wiley is associate professor of sociology at the University of Illinois, Urbana. He is currently working on a book entitled Substantive Sociology.

Richard Wilkinson

Richard Wilkinson is professor of social epidemiology at The University of Nottingham, UK. His research interests include health inequalities and the social determinants of health. His most recent book is The Impact of Inequality: How to Make Sick Societies Healthier (2005).

Cynthia Willett

Cynthia Willett is a professor of philosophy at Emory University. Her authored books include Irony in the Age of Empire: Comic Perspectives on Freedom and Democracy (2008); The Soul of Justice: Racial Hubris and Social Bonds (2001); and Maternal Ethics and Other Slave Moralities (1995). She has edited the anthology Theorizing Multiculturalism (Oxford, 1998) and is a co-editor for MIT's Symposia on Gender, Race, and Philosophy.

Julie Willett

Julie Willett is an associate professor of history at Texas Tech University. She has published on the history of women’s work and community in the nail and hairdressing industries, including Permanent Waves: the Making of the American Beauty Shop (2000). She edited The American Beauty Industry Encyclopedia (2010) and is completing a book on the history of men, childcare, and the nature of women’s work.

Bernard Williams

Bernard Williams is Deutsch professor of philosophy at the University of California, Berkeley. His most recent book is Making Sense of Humanity (1995).

Rosalind Williams

Rosalind Williams is dean of students and undergraduate education and the Metcalfe professor of writing at Massachusetts Institute of Technology. She is the author of Notes on the Underground—An Essay on Technology, Society and the Imagination (1990) and Dream Worlds: Mars Consumption in Late 19th Century France (1982). She is currently working on The Roots/Routes of Modem Life: Studies in Geography and Imagination.

John Willoughby

John Willoughby is associate professor of economics at American University in Washington D.C., and the author of Capitalist Imperialism, Crisis and the State (1986).

dawn m. Wilson

Dawn M. Wilson is a lecturer in philosophy at the University of Hull and a trustee of the British Society of Aesthetics. She works on language, thought, images, technology, and art. Her article “Photography and Causation” launched a debate known as the “New Theory” of photography, and her latest project explores analogies between photography and music.

Edward O. Wilson

Pelligrino research professor in entomology, department of organismic and evolutionary biology, Harvard University, and an honorary curator in entomology at Harvard University's Museum of Comparative Zoology. His recent books include The Future of Life (2002) and Consilience: The Unity of Knowledge (1989).

Langdon Winner

Langdon Winner is professor of political science and is director of graduate studies in the Department of Science and Technology Studies at Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute. Dr. Winner is the author of The Whale and the Reacton A Search for Limits in and Age of High Technology (1986), Autonomous Technology: Technics-out-of-Control as a Theme in Political Thought (1977). He is currently working on Political Artifacts: Design and the Quality of Public Life.

E. G. Winslow

E. G. Winslow is assistant professor in the division of social science at York University, Toronto.

Ted Winslow

Ted Winslow is associate professor in the division of social science, York University, Ontario, Canada. He is working on a book on psychoanalysis and the psychological foundations of Keynes's economics.

Yves Winter

Yves Winter is assistant professor of Political Science at McGill University, has published essays in such journals as Political Theory, International Theory, and New Political Science. He is the coeditor of Gouvernementalität und Sicherheit: Zeitdiagnostische Beiträge im Anschluss an Foucault (2008).

M. Norton Wise

M. Norton Wise is professor of history and codirector of the Center for Society and Genetics at the University of California at Los Angeles. He has recently edited Growing Explanations: Historical Perspectives on Recent Science (Duke, 2004) and coedited, with Angela N. H. Creager and Elizabeth Lunbeck, Science without Laws: Model Systems, Cases, Exemplary Narratives (Duke, 2007).

Frederick Wiseman

Frederick Wiseman, an independent filmmaker and the General Manager of Zipporah Films Inc., has made 31 documentary films, including Titicut Follies (1967) and Near Death (1989). His awards include the Irene Diamond Life-Time Achievement Award from the Human Rights Watch Film Festival (2000).

Daniel Wit

Daniel Wit is visiting associate professor of government at Indiana University. His present article was written when he was Director of the University of Michigan Memorial Phoenix Research Project on the implications of atomic-power development for American foreign policy.

Kathrin Wittler

Kathrin Wittler is a postdoctoral researcher in general and comparative literature at the Freie Universität Berlin. Her award-winning first book on German Jewish literary orientalism, ca. 1750–1850, was published in 2019. In her forthcoming second book, she investigates how the aesthetics of the lyrical poem are linked to solitude.

Jerome Wodinsky

Natalie Wolchover

Natalie Wolchover writes about physics as a senior writer and editor for Quanta Magazine, with bylines also in Nature, The New Yorker online, Popular Science and other publications. Her writing will be featured in 2020 volume of The Best American Science and Nature Writing and appeared in The Best Writing on Mathematics 2015, and she has won several awards including the American Institute of Physics’ 2017 Science Communication Award.

Alan Wolfe

Alan Wolfe is Dean and Michael E. Gellert professor of social and political science in the graduate faculty of the New School for Social Research. His books include Whose Keeper? Social Science and Moral Obligation (1989).

Matthew Wolfe

Matthew Wolfe is a doctoral candidate in sociology at New York University.

Robert Paul Wolff

Robert Paul Wolff is professor of philosophy at the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. His most recent book is Understanding Marx: A Reconstruction and Critique of Capital (1985).

Sheldon S. Wolin

Sheldon S. Wolin, who taught politics at the University of California Berkeley and at Princeton University, is the author, most recently, of The Presence of the Past: Essays on the State and the Constitution (1989).


Richard Wollheim

Richard Wollheim is Grote professor of philosophy of mind and logic, University of London. His previously published works include Art and its Objects and Freud.

Dennis H. Wong

Dennis H. Wrong, visiting professor of the graduate faculty of the New School, is professor of sociology and chairman of the university heights department of sociology at New York University.

Ruth Wooden

Ruth Wooden is president of Public Agenda. She also serves on the Boards of US Trust Company, Research!America, Phoenix House Foundation, Demos, and Civic Ventures, San Francisco.

Stephanie Woolhandler

Stephanie Woolhandler is a professor of public health at the City University of New York. Together with Dr. Himmelstein, she cofounded Physicians for a National Health Program, which advocates single-payer national health insurance for the United States.

Minky Worden

Minky Worden is director of global initiatives at Human Rights Watch, where she develops and implements international outreach and advocacy campaigns. A member of the Council on Foreign Relations, she is the editor of The Unfinished Revolution (2012) and China’s Great Leap (2008), and the coeditor of Torture (2005)

Stephen T. Worland

Stephen T. Worland, professor of economics at Notre Dame University, wrote Scholasticism and Welfare Economics (1965).

David H. Wright

David H. Wright teaches art history at the University of California, Berkeley. He edited the facsimile edition of the Vespasian Psalter (1967).

Gordon Wright

Gordon Wright is W. H. Bonsall professor of history, Stanford University. He is the author of France in Modern Times, Rural Revolution in France, and The Ordeal of Total War, 1939–1945.

Gwendolyn Wright

Gwendolyn Wright is professor of architecture and history at Columbia University and author of Building the Dream: A Social History of Housing in America (1983).

Harrison M. Wright

Harrison M. Wright, associate professor of history, Swarthmore College, is the editor of The New Imperialism (1961), and is writing a book on the policies of Cape Colony toward the Bantu from 1880 to 1910.

Quincy Wright

Quincy Wright is a visiting research scholar at Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, and visiting professor of international law in the graduate faculty of the New School, is widely known for his writings and activities in the field of international relations.

Frieda Wunderlich

Frieda Wunderlich (1884–1965) was professor of economics and sociology at the Berlin Training College; Editor of Sociale Praxis. She joined the faculty at the University in Exile at The New School for Social Research in 1933 where she taught for 20 years. She authored several books including Labor under German Democracy (1940).

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